Etiqueta: Overcoming
No need to be among humankind to feel accompanied. Pedro is a 10-year-old kid who lives with his mother in a poor neighbourhood of the city. His mother works long hours everyday at a bar. When Pedro is home […]
Favela Library (Biblioteca Favela)
In one of the most dangerous corners of Rio de Janeiro, a librarian has started do magic. This is the incredible story of the librarían […]
B as in Beauty (B de bella)(TV Series)
Hilarious, weird, moving. All in the same character. Beauty is a Cuban American girl who works in a successful ad agency. She is attractive, charismatic, lovely […]
Perfection implies such a painful cost. Eric is a young guy who happens to have everything: two perfect parents, a mansion in the most exclusive […]
Bad Leaf (Mala Hoja)
An introspective look of 19th century Cuba. In February 1874, two Spanish businessmen, a tobacco grower and a sugar farmer, meet at a […]
Thief of Roses ( Ladrona de Rosas)
Clarice Lispector: a hidden identity, an unbearable genius. Clarice Lispector has always been perceived as a shy and introverted woman. Her beauty was indisputable: she was […]
Arsenio Rodriguez Trilogy (La Trilogía de Arsenio Rodriguez)
LA TRILOGÍA DE ARSENIO RODRÍGUEZ Jairo Grijalba Ruiz Esta trilogía (Arsenio Rodríguez: el profeta de la música, Arsenio Rodríguez: el ciego maravilloso, y Arsenio Rodríguez […]
Inferno – Original Project
Samuel is the half-blooded son of a demon and a human, and, unknowingly, has just become the key to the struggle between Good and Evil. As […]
Final Exorcism (Exorcismo final)
Final Exorcism is the first volume of erotic stories by Yovana Martinez. The life of a woman is narrated from her adolescence to her middle age […]