Etiqueta: Passion
Pinches (Los pellizcos)
Don Mario has been captivated by Raimunda, the woman who served him at his house for years. When time passes, they meet again, but now Don […]
Chiruca Bilogy
A love between two worlds Chiruca works as a maid for the important Valdoviño ducal family formed by the Duchess, her oldest son and her grandchild, […]
When the cold reaches the heart (Cuando el frío llegue al corazón)
This story of adolescent awakening and the discovery of sex. Recalled from adult memories, takes us to the summer in a city up north. Ludi’s father is […]
Unfinished symphony (Sinfonía inacabada)
In Vienna, 1814, the young composer Franz Schubert, on the verge of misery, manages to survive thanks to the help of his friends. With emotion, his first […]
Three diamonds and one woman (Tres diamantes y una mujer)
Diamond is not a woman's best friend A family of thieves is planning to rob some famous diamonds from a renowned noble family. The robbery is […]
Sea horses (Caballos de Mar)
The memories of more than thirty years come through Ignasi Delamo’s mind, Colonel of the Republican Army’s Medical Department, before drawing his last breath after being wounded. They are different […]
The House with Seven Balconies (La casa de los siete balcones)
An ode to hope, love, innocence and illusion. The house with seven balconies is a mansion in a small countryside town where the inhabitants go to mass […]
Three top hats (Tres sombreros de copa)
The action takes place in an outskirts hotel, during the night spent there by Dionisio, the main character. He is there waiting: he gets married the next […]
The seducer (El seductor)
Domingo sees Ana on the street and follows her home. As they talk, the tension builds up as if they were about to reach a conclusion […]
Were there really eleven thousand virgins once? (Pero… ¿hubo alguna vez once mil vírgenes?)
Pedro, a young wealthy man, dives into the world of seduction like a modern Don Juan. At the speed of light, he conquers an uncountable number […]