Etiqueta: Real facts
The Invisible Witness (El testigo invisible)
After years of absolute silence, the only witness of the death of the Romanovs will tell the truth. Leonid Sednev, who worked as a chimney sweep […]
The clairvoyant (El mentalista de Hitler)
Based on a true story, in the pre-Nazi Germany, a seer predicted the fate of a country, but not his own Erick Hanussen lives in the […]
Cayetana’s daughter (La hija de Cayetana) (Film)
The black duchess that nobody knew about. A surprising and forgotten episode starring one of the most celebrated women of Spanish history: Cayetana de Alba, […]
The Survivors
Each ten-episode season of "Survivos" follows a different notable figure in history who helped change and shape the world that we live in while also altering […]
I will love you madly (Te amaré locamente)
A recently divorced lady thinks she has found the man of her life, but a few months later, she finds herself in a prison of emotions: […]
Queen Juana (Reina Juana)
The plot starts with the confession of Juana I of Castilla with the father Francisco de Borja the night before she dies. From there, the monarch […]
On the rock (En la roca)
This story places us at the midpoint of the Spanish Civil War and narrates the lives of Guy Burguess and Kim Philby, two spies with a […]
The Blue Overall (El Mono Azul)
During the Spanish Civil War, four militia women are isolated, all alone and lost when going behind the fascist lines. They know they are close so […]
Caviar Today, Sardines Tomorrow (Hoy caviar, mañana sardinas) (TV Series)
The backstage of diplomatic glamour. The Posadas family moves to Spain when the father is appointed as ambassador. Luis Posadas gives his credentials to […]