Etiqueta: Real facts
Slaughterhouse 36/39 (Matadero 36/39)
Slaughterhouse 36/39 tells of the terrible situations that millions of citizens, especially women, were subjected to during the Spanish Civil War. This work is composed of […]
Operations (Maniobras)
Operations is a story about the excess in power and gender violence, based in real events: tough, strong and exciting. The story deals with the army’s […]
The Brigade (La Brigada) – Original Project
During the Spanish Civil War – from 1936 to 1939 – there were volunteer soldiers from different countries. Among all these volunteers, there was one brigade formed by […]
My Cid (Mío Cid) – Original Project
This Reconquista is laughable! Mío Cid tells the story of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, el Cid Campeador, one of the greatest heroes in history who, accustomed […]
The concert at Saint Ovide (El concierto de San Ovidio)
Probably the best and most moving play by Buero Vallejo In the years that preceded the French Revolution, there was a hospice for the blind and […]
Meninas (Las Meninas)
Set in the Court of Felipe IV, the story is centered on the figure of the painter Diego Velázquez, who is involved in various court intrigues due to […]
Unfinished symphony (Sinfonía inacabada)
In Vienna, 1814, the young composer Franz Schubert, on the verge of misery, manages to survive thanks to the help of his friends. With emotion, his first […]
Crown of Love and Death (Corona de amor y muerte)
The story is centered on the life of Doña Inés de Castro and her loving relationship with Infant Pedro, the heir to the throne of Portugal. […]
The knight of the golden spurs (El caballero de las espuelas de oro)
It consists in the life of the Spanish Golden Age writer Francisco de Quevedo, character of great historic significance; someone ambitious who starred in several political […]