Etiqueta: Real facts
The wars of General Omar Torrijos. (Las guerras del general Omar Torrijos) (Film)
General Omar Torrijos' legacy. General Omar Torrijos Herrera, a national-progressive dictator, "convicted, sworn and converted", as he defined himself, led the Panamanian nation for ten […]
The Third Mask (La tercera máscara)
Could you show the world your most intimate mask? A Japanese legend explains how we all have three masks: the one we show to the […]
A whale’s logbook. This adventure of a whale-lady on her long journey across the Pacific Ocean is inspired by a true story. In 2015 scientists measured […]
For the Love of Art (Por amor al arte)
The perfect crime does exist. He committed it. Juan Manuel Candela Sapieha, also known as ‘El Sapo’, is a Spanish criminal known for his skills […]
The Elites’ Game Saga (Saga El juego de las élites)
The Elites’ Game | The Elites’ Sentence | The Elites’ Birth What’s the price you’re willing to pay to be part of the elite? Bernardo […]
The Adventures of Joselito: The Little Nightingale (Las aventuras de Joselito: El pequeño ruiseñor)
The most important child star of Spanish music and cinema. José Jiménez Fernández, known to the public as Joselito or “The boy with the […]
Love Stories in War Fields (Historias de amor en campos de guerra)
Is love stronger than war? The stories of women who share a common denominator: the same war. Six extraordinary women who, for various reasons, ended […]
Kafka and the Traveling Doll (Kafka y la muñeca viajera)
A little girl loses her doll and Kafka convinces her that it’s on vacation. A year before his death, Franz Kafka lived a very […]
Based on the true story of a boy who runs away from home and is adopted by a pack of stray dogs. Based on […]