Etiqueta: Real facts
Carmen of Mairena (Carmen de Mairena)
An original 6-episode Podcast-Audioseries published by Storytel The story of Spain’s most famous lips. This is the story of a woman who wanted to be […]
Elvira’s Secrets (Los secretos de Elvira)
The spy who changed the course of D-Day. Elvira Chaudoir, an upper-class Peruvian who settled in Paris at the outbreak of World War II, is […]
155, Simon Radowitzky
A fierce struggle for ideals. Simón Radowitzky, a young Ukrainian anarchist, fled in 1908 from Russian repression to take refuge in Argentina. Soon after settling […]
Carmen Sevilla
The most endearing and popular star in Spain. Carmen Sevilla, "the bride of Spain", is one of the great Spanish film, television and music legends […]
The child prodigy of Spanish cinema. Marisol (Pepa Flores) has been one of the most iconic actresses in Spanish cinema. At the tender age of […]
Uncle Bill
A pop culture icon's time in Mexico. The 40s. Famous writer William S. Burroughs (Bill) began his career as one of the most mythical and […]
The Millionaires of War (Los millonarios de la guerra)
To make millions you don't need to win the war. December of 2006, former Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared the war on drugs, an era […]
Rocío Dúrcal: Follow Me (Rocío Durcal: Acompañame) (TV Series)
A diva with a voice of her own. Rocío Dúrcal was destined to be a star. Her first television appearance made her the icon that […]
I Can’t Hear the Children Play (No oigo a los niños jugar)
The silence is deafening. After a tragic, life-altering accident, 17-year-old Alma isn’t sure she can cope with her new, cruel reality. After the loss of […]
Leopard in the Sun (Leopardo al sol) (TV Series)
Blood is paid with blood. Two families, the Barragán's and Monsalve's, are engaged in a bloody war. It all started when Nando Barragán murdered […]