Etiqueta: Real facts
Cherubs in Hell (Querubines en el infierno)
The harrowing story of Mexicans who fought for the U.S. in World War II. Cannon fodder: that is what the Mexican migrants who enlisted […]
A Mexican in Every Child (Un mexicano en cada hijo te dio)
Beautiful and beloved Mexico is what it is today thanks to figures from its history. There are illustrious figures who have something, or everything, to do with what is "Mexicanness" today, often relegated to the shadows of oblivion. Beyond the official history, a group of Mexicans throughout history have had the chance to influence, for better or worse, the life and culture of the country, but whom disdain has erased from memory. Heroes of flesh and blood, villains or stars that shined only to be suddenly dimmed. Figures such as Isabel Moctezuma: the last Aztec princess; Jesús García Corona, the hero of Nacozari; Gilberto Bosques, "the Mexican Schindler"; Tezozomoc, the terrible […]
No Corpses (Sin cadáver) (TV Series)
The dead that don’t exist. No confession, no witnesses, no dead bodies, no biological remains, yet a conviction. This is the real case of […]
The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo (El libro secreto de Frida Kahlo)
A story full of colors and flavors. Frida is Mexico itself. After "dying" for the first time in a terrible car accident, Frida Kahlo reaches an agreement with her godmother, Death. In exchange for Frida preparing an offering in the form of a banquet for her every year on the Day of the Dead, Death allows her to live. Frida wrote down the recipes for each banquet dedicated to Saint Death in a black notebook she called “The Book of Holy Herbs”. The day this notebook was to be shown to the public for the first time in an exhibition at the Palace of Fine Arts, it disappeared. Haghenbeck imagines that this notebook was a gift from the other great Mexican female icon, Tina Modotti (Frida Kahlo's lover), after the accident. The author narrates in first person the life of Kahlo, a free, authentic and controversial woman who broke stereotypes with her beauty and celebrated her Mexican identity in all areas. It delves into her decisions, thoughts and secrets, with a constant presence of death through two characters, The Messenger, represented by the revolutionary hero Emiliano Zapata, and her Godmother, Death, who warns Kahlo that she will die the day her rooster Cui-cui-ri stops crowing. In an intimate and […]
The Story of Dinamic (La Historia de Dinamic)(TV Seri
The young pioneers who became millionaires in the video game industry. Spain, 1980´s. The extremely talented Ruiz brothers, Víctor, Nacho and Pablo, were 17 […]
Animals Like You (Animales como tú)
The animal sanctuary with the largest following in the world. “We humans are not so different from them; they are animals like you.” Located […]
Favaloro: The Great Operator (Favaloro: El gran operador)
The Argentine doctor who transformed and democratized surgery worldwide. René Favaloro is the most transcendental Argentinean doctor of the 20th century for his contribution to humanity and the lives that have been saved as a result of the surgical procedure he systematized in 1967; a procedure that would transform world medicine forever with his bypass technique. This is a journey through his life, from his origins, his training, his influences and his experiences that shows the process that delineated his way of thinking and understanding the country where he lived. It is a journey through the ups and downs that marked the life of the heart surgeon committed to guaranteeing access to highly complex medical procedures even for those who could not afford it. Since his arrival to his country of origin (Italy) to the tragic afternoon of his suicide. Along the way, he deals with his childhood; the fanaticism he inherited from his uncle for gymnastics; his time at the Rafael Hernández National School, where he received a humanistic education from teachers such as the essayist Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, the Dominican writer Pedro Henríquez Ureña or the art critic Jorge Romero […]
The man who invented himself (El hombre que se inventó a sí mismo)
The B side of Argentina's political history and the secrets of a cursed figure. How is it possible for a man who comes from […]
Sara Montiel: From One Secret to the Next, My Life Uncovered (Sara Montiel: Secreto a secreto, mi vida al descubierto)
The unseen side of the diva from La Mancha (Spain) who conquered Hollywood. Diva in film and music, the queen of kitsch, a woman […]
Prisons, Whores and Guns (De prisiones, putas y pistolas)
Divide and conquer: The great strategy to put an end to ETA. In the early morning of December 2nd, 1991, Cadena SER broadcasted an exclusive: […]