Etiqueta: Religion

  • Don Juan

    Don Juan Tenorio, accompanied by his servant, Leporello, has been sentenced to roam around the world. He refuses to accept the destiny that has been marked … Read more

  • The bewildered king’s chronicle (Crónica del rey pasmado)

    At the beginning of the 17th century, the King of Spain –a young immature boy- wants to see his queen naked, even when the Church and … Read more

  • Babylon’s Courtesan (La Ramera de Babilonia)

    Babylon’s Courtesan is a comedy that has the most important women in history as main characters. We assist to the encounter of Lilith, the first woman, … Read more

  • A day in God’s life (Un día en la vida de Dios)

    A ball of energy with many eyes and ears assumes the creation of the Universe. God – an adorable and, as any other god, arbitrary female … Read more

  • Playing the Contrary (Jugando a la Contra) – Original Project

    Black masses, orgies, summoning Satan… and then, mowing, getting the kids to school and baking a cake. Come in and see! Playing the contrary presents us an … Read more

  • The priest’s niece (La sobrina del cura)

    The story tells the life of Mónica, a young woman, and her uncle Don Sabino, a very unsociable priest which has a monotonous life. The two … Read more

  • Father Cigarette (El padre pitillo)

    Don Froilán is a priest in a small village, in which he is known as “Father Cigarette”, as he always has a lit cigarette in his … Read more

  • Fright (Las orejas del lobo)

    Irene had a lover but he abandoned her to become a priest. She married another man who did not take care of her to become a politician … Read more

  • Out of mind (Fuera de quicio)

    Set in an asylum, this play tells the love adventures and misfortunes of the interns called Rosa, Antoñita, Antonio and Juan while the director turns into … Read more

  • The words on the sand (Las palabras en la arena)

    The work is based on a passage from the New Testament in which Jesus surprises a woman in a situation of adultery. Asaph and his friends, … Read more

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