Etiqueta: Rural
The prodigal woman (La pródiga)
Julia, a beautiful widow of libertine life that squanders her fortune, reconsiders and decides to use her time and money in helping others and the needy. […]
Our lady (Nuestra señora)
A magnificent comedy that begins after Madam Pura falls asleep in a train and wakes up six stations past her destination generating a chain of entanglements […]
School Boys (Los chicos de la escuela)
In a small town, the school teacher confronts the town’s cacique, Juan Antonio. This last one obliges the teacher to leave the location, which causes a […]
Quirós’ house (La casa de Quirós)
Mr. Gil de Quirós, the main character of the story, lives in a small town. He is a gentleman of old customs and proud of his […]
The insignificant one (El hombrecillo)
This is the story of three brothers. While the two older ones are spending the family’s fortune in the city, the younger one, hunched and uncouth, […]
Father Cigarette (El padre pitillo)
Don Froilán is a priest in a small village, in which he is known as “Father Cigarette”, as he always has a lit cigarette in his […]
The sin of being pretty (El pecado de ser guapa)
Isabel de Reinoso, elegant woman, educated, rich and sensitive, reaches the provincial town of Villaleona, dazzling men and generating envy among women. Because of this, hostility […]
Miss Trevelez (La señorita de Trevélez)
Miss Trévelez tells the story that happens in a provincial capital, where a group of jokers form the Guasa Club, dedicated to play pranks and have […]
Independent candidate (Candidato independiente)
Elections are right around the corner. In a certain village, a deputy cannot be reelected to his position so he recommends his brother-in-law and entrusts the […]
It’s forbidden in autumn (Prohibido en otoño)
This is a recreation of Pygmalion’s story. It is set in the 50’s but it could be set any time now. The main plot consists in […]