Etiqueta: Secrets
Miracle in the López household (Milagro en casa de los López)
Mercedes and Jerónimo are a well-off marriage living in a luxurious chalet with their servants, Teresa and Jacinta. They have been living enclosed for ten years, and they hope for something […]
Charlie Barrington is in the street, next to his house, talking with Sgt. Harris, while waiting for the detective Douglas Hilton. They listen Carlota, Charlie's wife, playing […]
The case of the wonderful woman (El caso de la señora estupenda)
During a time of war, Victoria is a woman who finds herself in a delicate legal situation, after getting an arranged marriage with Alejandro. The arrival […]
Thieves are honorable people (Los ladrones somos gente honrada)
The play unfolds around a white-collar robbery in the bourgeois home of recently married Daniel and Herminia. Daniel is a former thief who fell in love […]
Oh dear (The Mother of dramas) (Madre (el drama padre))
Four twin sisters are going to get married to four twin brothers. Despite rumors arising about them being all siblings, they end up getting married. Little […]
Four Hearts with Brakes and Reverse (Cuatro corazones con freno y marcha atrás)
Dying is not inevitable. Ricardo is a ruined man who, thanks to the voluminous inheritance of his recently deceased uncle, sees the opportunity […]
It’s dangerous to lean out (Es peligroso asomarse al exterior)
A young woman decides to accept the promise of marriage of three suitors, since the conjunction of the three would form the perfect gentleman ideal for […]
The lady of the house (Señora ama)
Dominica and Feliciano are a young married couple who lives in the countryside where his family owns almost all the land. Their everyday life is in […]
The Bonds of Interest (Los intereses creados)
Leandro and Crispín arrive to a prosperous small city seeking a strike of good luck to improve their lives. Given that Leandro is the youngest and […]
The Suspicious Virtue (La virtud sospechosa)
The Suspicious Virtue takes place in a villa where Emilia arrives after marrying a marquis. The Marquis’ family believes Emilia is being opportunistic, but Rosaura -the Marquis’ niece- […]