Etiqueta: Showbiz
The Abandoners (Las abandonadoras)
Tell me: concerts and videogames (Cuéntame: conciertos y videojuegos)
Kfar Saba 2000
Twin Peaks en el siglo XXI. Cuatro años atrás se encontró el cuerpo sin vida del joven Lior Oppenheim en un bosque cercano a Kfar […]
Four Seasons of Love (Amor a cuatro estaciones)
¿Qué haces cuando lo que más te lastima, también te ayuda a vivir? Christopher es un chico que compagina su vida de estudiante de letras […]
Hilda Krüger
A complex investigative operation of a Nazi spy in México. Hilda Krüger, an attractive and sophisticated German actress, starred in one of the most extravagant […]
Picasso, my grandfather. (Picasso, mi abuelo).
The lights and shadows of a genius. PITCH: Pablo Picasso is one of the best known and most successful figures of the 20th Century. However, […]
Surviving (Sobreviviendo)
Could you become someone you are not only to obtain something you have always wanted? Val Valdés, can. Val Valde’s life changes radically the day […]
The Woman with No Name (La mujer sin nombre)
A writer silenced by History… until now. Stage director Noelia Cid is a hardworking, disciplined, intuitive, and highly organized woman. When she is commissioned […]