Etiqueta: Showbiz
The child prodigy of Spanish cinema. Marisol (Pepa Flores) has been one of the most iconic actresses in Spanish cinema. At the tender age of […]
Rocío Dúrcal: Follow Me (Rocío Durcal: Acompañame) (TV Series)
A diva with a voice of her own. Rocío Dúrcal was destined to be a star. Her first television appearance made her the icon that […]
Saga Little Niño Discovers… (Saga Little niño descubre a…)
Little Niño descubre a Los Beatles | Little Niño descubre a Los Rolling Stones | Little Niño descubre a Aretha Franklin | Little Niño descubre a […]
An Exclusive Heart (Un corazón en exclusiva)
Breaking news! This is the most unexpected romance. Annel Vera is an audacious reporter who is dedicated to writing for gossip magazines. She is known […]
Roc the Cat Saga (Saga El gato Roc)
Roc the Cat Does Magic | Roc the Cat Wants a Snack Roc the Cat’s Orchestra | Roc the Cat’s friends The children's favorite […]
Sara Montiel: From One Secret to the Next, My Life Uncovered (Sara Montiel: Secreto a secreto, mi vida al descubierto)
The unseen side of the diva from La Mancha (Spain) who conquered Hollywood. Diva in film and music, the queen of kitsch, a woman […]
The Sylist (La estilista)
Pioneer, mentor, and one of the most powerful people in the fashion industry. The Stylist (La estilista) is a fiction in which everything that is […]
The Light Shines for Them (Brilla la luz para ellas)
The history of the female rock musicians in Argentina. The role of women in the rock industry has always been eclipsed by the presence of men. […]
You Seek Love, I Seek Reception (Tú buscas amor y yo cobertura)
The exciting love life of an actor via his cellphone. Nen is a cellphone owned by Capo. They travel to Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Beverly […]