Etiqueta: Showbiz
How to Succeed on the Internet in 7 Days (Cómo triunfar en internet en 7 días)
Can you imagine becoming the most famous youtuber by accident? David is a 13 years old boy. One day, he decides to compete with his sister […]
Middle-aged Quinceañera (Film)
It’s never too late to make your dreams come true. Cecilia Ortega is 40 years old and has one dream: her daughter Cece must have the […]
The great novel of Tina Modotti, the woman who broke all of the moulds of her time. Tina Modotti is an icon of art and politics, […]
No need to be among humankind to feel accompanied. Pedro is a 10-year-old kid who lives with his mother in a poor neighbourhood of the city. His mother works long hours everyday at a bar. When Pedro is home […]
Arsenio Rodriguez Trilogy (La Trilogía de Arsenio Rodriguez)
LA TRILOGÍA DE ARSENIO RODRÍGUEZ Jairo Grijalba Ruiz Esta trilogía (Arsenio Rodríguez: el profeta de la música, Arsenio Rodríguez: el ciego maravilloso, y Arsenio Rodríguez […]
Better a Diva than Dead (Mejor Diva que Muerta)
BETTER A DIVA THAN DEAD Isabella Santo Domingo Ava Cabal is a vain soap opera star of immense fame and a terrifying temperament, […]
Imperfect Future (Futuro Imperfecto) – Original Project
"Imperfect Future" is a program of comic sketches, with fixed sets, that narrates the situations that the workers live in a TV program of based on […]