Etiqueta: Supernatural
The Inhabitants of the Uninhabited House (Los habitantes de la casa deshabitada) (TV Movie)
It's harder to face humans than ghosts. On a rainy and cold night Mr. Raimundo and his chauffeur Gregorio have a car breakdown in the middle […]
A coming and going husband (Un marido de ida y vuelta)
Pepe and Leticia are married. Pepe realizes that his death is near and makes Paco Yepes, a friend of the family, to promise that he will […]
Four Hearts with Brakes and Reverse (Cuatro corazones con freno y marcha atrás)
Dying is not inevitable. Ricardo is a ruined man who, thanks to the voluminous inheritance of his recently deceased uncle, sees the opportunity […]
The handkerchief of the wandering lady (El pañuelo de la dama errante)
Benigno is a poor man that has hardly any money to eat. He lives humbly with his daughter, Lolita, and her boyfriend, Timoteo. Two strangers arrive […]