Etiqueta: Supernatural
Saga Detective Malasuerte
El detective que Tijuana necesita, pero que no quiere. Tomás Peralta es un detective pelirrojo de voz aguardientosa. No es guapo como los personajes de […]
La visitante
¿Quién te mantiene despierto? En el convulso México de 1972: Gabriela, estudiante de Contaduría en la UNAM, se ha mudado recientemente con su […]
The orchard (La huerta)
True horror is not knowing who to trust. The architect Roberto Benavídez and his family move to “the Orchad”, a house in the countryside, in […]
The Church (La iglesia)
Is there an evil that is older and more powerful than God Himself? Ernesto Larraz is a Spanish priest who has been teaching at a […]
A Saga of the Ancient Family (La saga de los Longevos)
The immortal collection | The sons of Adam When you live 10,000 years, the past always comes back. THEMES: Search for the truth, Brothers, […]
Czech Republic’s first superheroe. Myth or truth? Perak had springs on his legs with which he could even jump streets. With supernatural abilities he became […]
This Emptiness that Boils (Este vacío que hierve)
Secrets are hidden underground. The story takes place in 2030, Karina is a twenty-five-year-old physicist who is currently working on a new theory of universal […]
Saga Albert Zimmer
Albert Zimmer I: The Witch of Berchtesgaden | Albert Zimmer II: The Murderer of the Senses A funny and sinister young man solving murder cases committed […]
Red and in a Bottle (Rojo y en botella)
An unlikely tandem made up of a human cop and a vampire cop hunt down a dangerous killer. Vampires and humans live in peaceful coexistence, […]
The Ghost Girls Club (El club de las niñas fantasma)
Let's discover the ghostly world! Carmen and René, two 10-year-olds, are classmates in elementary school. Carmen is an extroverted, social and "popular" girl, unlike […]