Etiqueta: Unrequited love
Miss Trevelez (La señorita de Trevélez)
Miss Trévelez tells the story that happens in a provincial capital, where a group of jokers form the Guasa Club, dedicated to play pranks and have […]
It’s forbidden in autumn (Prohibido en otoño)
This is a recreation of Pygmalion’s story. It is set in the 50’s but it could be set any time now. The main plot consists in […]
The wedding was at twelve (La boda era a las doce)
Alicia, the owner of a perfumery, dresses up as a servant to get revenge on Ricardo, a cinema actor, who paid no attention to her after […]
Sea horses (Caballos de Mar)
The memories of more than thirty years come through Ignasi Delamo’s mind, Colonel of the Republican Army’s Medical Department, before drawing his last breath after being wounded. They are different […]
Were there really eleven thousand virgins once? (Pero… ¿hubo alguna vez once mil vírgenes?)
Pedro, a young wealthy man, dives into the world of seduction like a modern Don Juan. At the speed of light, he conquers an uncountable number […]
You have the eyes of a femme fatale (Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal)
Sergio is a ladies’ man that likes to collect female conquests and never falls in love. Elena is the first woman that rejects him. She is […]