Paula Ducay

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co agency of Oh!Books Agency.


Paula Ducay is a writer, editor, and translator. She holds a degree in Philosophy and a master’s degree in Publishing from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM).

She regularly collaborates with cultural magazines and media outlets. She is also the co-director of ‘Punzadas,’ a project dedicated to philosophy and literature, and she directs the podcast ‘Punzadas Sonoras’.



Previously awarded the First Prize in the UAM Literary Contest in the Short Story category and the Prose Prize in the Sant Jordi Literary Competition, Paula Ducay delves into human relationships with her delicate writing in her debut novel, La Ternura.

The novel has achieved success among both the public and critics, who have hailed it as one of the novels of the year for creating a new narrative (ABC Cultura).