Género: Dramedy

  • The King of the Mountain (El Rey de la Montaña) – Original Project

    Remember: there are no friends, partners, lovers or family, only contacts. Stay away from ethics. It destroys originality and talent. Sell your soul to the highest … Read more

  • School Boys (Los chicos de la escuela)

    In a small town, the school teacher confronts the town’s cacique, Juan Antonio. This last one obliges the teacher to leave the location, which causes a … Read more

  • A Ladies’ Man (Las dichosas faldas)

    Manola, the main character, suffers because her husband, Paco, is continuously cheating on her. One day, she discovers the whole truth and that is the time … Read more

  • He’s my man (Es mi hombre)

    Don Antonio is a man in debt, living in misery. He has no other choice but to do any kind of job just to survive along … Read more

  • The insignificant one (El hombrecillo)

    This is the story of three brothers. While the two older ones are spending the family’s fortune in the city, the younger one, hunched and uncouth, … Read more

  • Miss Trevelez (La señorita de Trevélez)

    Miss Trévelez tells the story that happens in a provincial capital, where a group of jokers form the Guasa Club, dedicated to play pranks and have … Read more

  • God’s soul (Alma de Dios)

    Eloisa is an orphan that runs away from a house where she is abused. She seeks refuge in the house of her aunt Marcelina and her … Read more

  • Twenty years only (Veinte añitos)

    Pepe and Faustina are an old married couple that are close to the end of their lives. One day the Devil appears before them and offers … Read more

  • No turning back from this girl (La muchacha sin retorno)

    A TV announcer that has always been a womanizer suddenly realizes that everything is starting to go downhill towards old age. Leticia, Carolina and Lucrecia, three of his former lovers, … Read more

  • Forever is not the whole life (Siempre no es toda la vida)

    The play looks over three stages in the life of a married couple: The past (adolescence and happy engagement), the present (the problems of the married … Read more

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