Does a boy need a father in order to become a good man?
Abraham is a 17-year old teenager who is going through a difficult moment in his life. Recently, he has been involved in three fights and has been suspended twice. His grandmother, who is a lesbian, lives with her partner and is also her legal tutor, assures this is happening because he doesn’t have a male figure in his family.
Consequently, Abraham starts training at the gym with his uncle Claudio, a selfish and repulsive man who wants to make a real man out of his nephew. On the other hand, his girlfriend Ophelia does not understand why Abraham accepted his uncle’s proposal and starts reconsidering their relationship.
Abraham has a mental chaos and does not know how to get over it. All this, along with what he has learned at genetics lessons, makes Abraham wonder if “being bad” is something innate in our DNA.
He has problems and needs help to learn how to deal with them. Bloodline offers the audience a hard and dark story that is also full of hope. How can a lesbian woman raise a kid to become a man? If you only have violent male references in your life, who do you turn to with your questions?
RELEVANT INFORMATION: This story questions the stereotypes of masculinity of Latinos, generally reduced to simplifications and steretypes, through the eyes of Abraham, a teenager with personal problems that affect his daily life. The book was strongly praised by the critics for both the content and the careful way in which it is built.
Joe Jiménez is a quite relevant author internationally, awarded with the Letras Latinas Award and the Red Hen Press Poetry Prize, and whose projects have been developed in Belgium, the Netherlands, Mexico, Argentina, Ireland, the UK and the US.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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