Czech Republic’s first superheroe. Myth or truth?
Perak had springs on his legs with which he could even jump streets. With supernatural abilities he became an urban legend everyone knew about and all, eventually, doubted if maybe, only maybe, he was real. Even the Germans feared him.
In his prose, Petr Stancík takes this superhero resisting the Nazis in an original way and offers a great combination of a thrilling story, historical lessons and a precisely measured dose of humour.
Supplemented with stylish illustrations and unique add-ons – period leaflets, advertisements, drawings of weapons, biographical notes… this at times violent, sexual and very funny book, has Franta Perak answering some very unique questions: Are Tibetan monks managing to make saucers fly? How will Hermann Göring’s apocalyptic New Year’s Eve with edible furniture end? Is the assassination of Heydrich a conspiracy of freemasons? Why does the rocket superwoman Valkyrie wear magic eyes in her breasts? Will it be possible to destroy the Feuerwanze armored tram? Did Adolf Hitler paint a cubist painting? All the while enamouring none other than Jitka, a member of the German resistance.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: The fictitious character of Pérák is the star of Prague; a fictional character with a big impact in the Czech society. It is present in several events. An audiovisual project with this protagonist would be highly appraised by the central-European audience.
This character has been adapted to comic books, feature scripts, newspaper and magazine articles. Such is it’s fascination within the Czechs that an ethnologist did a full investigation on its potential veracity.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV series, Miniseries, Film, TV movie

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