Subgénero: Childish
Roc the Cat Saga (Saga El gato Roc)
Roc the Cat Does Magic | Roc the Cat Wants a Snack Roc the Cat’s Orchestra | Roc the Cat’s friends The children's favorite […]
The Little Leo da Vinci Saga (Saga El pequeño Leo da Vinci)
A collection of 10 stories The most famous gang of young geniuses in history ready to solve the coolest mysteries. Little Leo Da Vinci […]
Serafín, the Writer, and the Witch (Serafín, el escritor y la bruja)
A star will guide them towards each other. Serafín is the new kid at school and because of this, he doesn´t have very many friends. […]
A Thief Among Us (Un ladrón entre nosotros)
Who is the classroom thief? Room A is much like any other classroom in the world: there are students who are goody-two-shoes, some that are true […]
The Pin-0-ki-0 Saga (Saga Pin-8)
Pin-0-ki-0 Wants to Have a Soul | Pin-0-ki-0 Wants to Have Friends | Pin-0-ki-0 Wants Super Strength The adventures of a clumsy android in his everyday struggle […]
The Cluefinders Saga (Saga Los Buscapistas)
A collection of 10 children´s books. Two young detectives willing to give it their all to resolve the most enjoyable mysteries. Pepa and Maxi met […]
Rasi the Squirrel and Her Gang Saga (Saga Rasi y la pandilla de la ardilla)
A collection of 22 children´s books Rasi, the children´s favorite squirrel. Rasi the squirrel lives at school. Her gang is made up of Nora, […]
The Cousins Inc. Saga (Saga Primos S.A.)
The Haunted House / Riddle on the Orange-Tree Bridge / The Monastery of Spirits / The Phantom Flock The best detective agency in the world […]
Saga President by Surprise (Saga Presidenta por sorpresa)
President by Surprise | Suddenly Disobedient She wanted to be class delegate but became president of the nation. Marta Chacras is 13 years old and […]