Subgénero: Familiar
Getting to know each other again (Volver a conocernos)
About what we gain while we’re losing it all. Hugo, a seven-year-old boy, is going through the worst moment of his life: his parents —whose […]
The Hernández Detectives Saga (Saga detectives Hernández)
You don’t investigate family The Hernandez family runs a detective agency in Sant Andreu, a neighborhood in Barcelona that operates as if it were […]
The Magpie In The Realm Of Entropy (Straka V Rísi Entropie)
Science was never so exciting. A funny book of fables explaining everyday laws of physics to children and their parents. In nine fables, diverse animals […]
Smarties for Grandad Ed (Lentilka Pro Dedu Edu)
Love and understanding can beat it all. A story of a 5-year-old boy and his grandpa suffering from Alzheimer disease. The beloved great-grandfather has started […]
This Emptiness that Boils (Este vacío que hierve)
Secrets are hidden underground. The story takes place in 2030, Karina is a twenty-five-year-old physicist who is currently working on a new theory of universal […]
It’s Weird that My Name Is Federico (Qué raro que me llame Federico)
Two voices united in pain, those of a mother and her son. Belén is an editor in Madrid who dreams of being a mother but, […]
Kafka and the Traveling Doll (Kafka y la muñeca viajera)
A little girl loses her doll and Kafka convinces her that it’s on vacation. A year before his death, Franz Kafka lived a very […]
The Little Orphans (Los huerfanitos)
Three brothers who hate each other and an inheritance at stake. Ausias Susmozas is the owner and patriarch of the Pigalle, a theater […]