Subgénero: Horror

  • What Lives Inside (Lo que habita dentro)

    You deal with the monster, or the monster will deal with you.   October 1987, San Petri, Costa de la Muerte (Galicia, Spain). It’s the night … Read more

  • The Embrace of the Monster (El abrazo del monstruo)

    What would you do to save your daughter? Diego Arce is a renowned mystery novels writer who is not in his best moment. Since the publication … Read more

  • Idyll

    Idyll is the most exclusive city in America. Only the chosen ones, who really are someone in society, can buy a home in a place that … Read more

  • The Awakening (El despertar)

    Amelia is a woman with a completely normal life: she is married, has a son and lives in the outskirts of a big city, in one … Read more

  • The Man With No Eyes (El hombre sin ojos) – Original Project

    When parents leave their children alone, the Man with No Eyes comes after them.   Mónica and her son Daniel have just moved into a new … Read more

  • Inferno – Original Project

    Samuel is the half-blooded son of a demon and a human, and, unknowingly, has just become the key to the struggle between Good and Evil. As … Read more

  • The outside world (El mundo de afuera)

    How to turn a fairy tale into a story of monsters The outside world takes place in Medellin. There, the time comes wrapped in a haze, … Read more

  • 7 monsters (7 monstruos) – Original Project

    Seven people, unrelated to one another, wake up one day in an eerie amusement park not knowing why. Little by little, they discover this place is … Read more

  • The arcane project (Proyecto Arcano) – Original Project

    Thousands of years ago, The Dark, a strange and monstrous civilization, dominated the planet. Now, The Dark have returned, and five people are preparing to fight … Read more

  • The horrendous crime in Peñaranda del Campo (El horroroso crimen de Peñaranda del Campo)

    A young girl disappears. Canelo, a young boy, declares he killed her and carved her up. When the trial arrives, the play takes the form of … Read more

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