Subgénero: Melodrama

  • I am Unavailable Tonight (Esta noche no estoy para nadie)

    A whirlwind of laughter and misunderstandings.     Soledad and Alma, mother and daughter, decide to move in together because of the economic hardship they are … Read more

  • Your Friends Would Never Hurt You (Tus amigos nunca te harían daño) (Film)

    Do you know who your real friends are? Do you show yourself as you truly are? Mario meets with his friends for one last time. The … Read more

  • The Glass Eye

    A Latino family’s mishaps in the Bronx.     The story is set around Don Pepitón and Antonia’s warehouse. Don Pepitón belongs to an inmigrant family … Read more

  • Nobody´s Box (El cofre de nadie)

      An exciting journey to her roots.     Nadia is a cautious, introverted girl who is very content with her uneventful adolescence, and happy to … Read more

  • A Stroke of Luck (Una suerte pequeña)

    Perhaps life is neither destiny nor chance, but to what extent do we have responsibility over certain events that happen to us?   It has been … Read more

  • Nobody Told Me (Nadie me contó)

    And they lived happily ever after? Nobody Told Me (Nadie me contó) could be have been the story of a fulfilled dream, instead it is the … Read more

  • The House of Bernarda Alba (La casa de Bernarda Alba) (Film)

    8 years of mourning that explodes with the passion of two lovers.   After her second husband’s death, matriarch Bernarda Alba imposes an eight-year rigorous and … Read more

  • Pepita

    A surrealist comedy about dignity. In a bucolic and parched town called Riocochino, devastated by the closure of the mine, a handful of souls survive under … Read more

  • León Kamikaze (Kamikaze Lion)

    We all carry demons inside us that need to be confronted. León is a rebellious teenager who, after having lost his parents, isn´t afraid of anything. … Read more

  • The Winter We Took Matters into our Hands (El invierno que tomamos cartas en el asunto)

    A chain of solidarity that changed the life of a town. Winter arrives in Porvenir, a town surrounded by mountains that remained the same for many … Read more

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