Subgénero: Road movie

  • Tirant´s Triumph (El triunfo de Tirante)

    Recreation of the Valencian medieval novel Tirant lo Blanc that presents a main character doubting when the time comes to accept his own death. Many moments […]

  • The Miller Woman of Arcos (La molinera de Arcos)

    This dramedia is about the abuse of power, about the Church as an institution, the government, the military and the emancipation of women. During a wedding, […]

  • Our Natacha (Nuestra Natacha)

    Amongst a series of students, most of them serious, hardworking and committed (except Lalo, whose only ambition is to never pass exams and enjoy university life), […]

  • It is forbidden to commit suicide in spring (Prohibido suicidarse en primavera) (TV Series)

    This fantastic work portrays the "Home of the Suicidal" a clinic created by Dr. Ariel, who descends from a family in which men commit suicide when […]

  • The weaker sex has gone to the gym (El sexo débil ha hecho gimnasia)

    This story, with sense of humor, recounts the integration of women into civil society, first, in the first half of the 19th century, then, in the […]

  • Letters from women (Cartas de mujeres)

    The story is about a real encounter with “portraits”, women from different social stratus with a common denominator: the explosive fight for a chimera, love.   […]

  • Divorce of the Souls (Divorcio de almas)

    The story narrates, on both personal and psychological levels, the life of a couple who wants to divorce. The separation of the couple only resolves the […]

  • Pin pricks (Alfilerazos)

    Remigio and his young wife have to emigrate from their country due to poverty. In the destination country, after great calamities and the loss of their […]

  • Triumphant Soul (Alma triunfante)

    Every year, the happily married couple of Luis and Isabel celebrates Isabel and their daughter’s saint´s day, but this year fate prepares a drastic and tragic […]

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