Subgénero: Romance
Phone Calls From Amsterdam (Llamadas de Amsterdam)
An alternative reality made to give their desires a second chance. The story starts with a phone call in Amsterdam Street, in Ciudad de México. Juan […]
B as in Beauty (B de bella)(TV Series)
Hilarious, weird, moving. All in the same character. Beauty is a Cuban American girl who works in a successful ad agency. She is attractive, charismatic, lovely […]
The Tree of the Target (El árbol de la diana)
Romantic passion, search for origins and suspense at a Mexican ranch. Elena Peralta is not tied to Spain anymore. She now wants to look for […]
The Author of “Las Meninas” (La autora de las Meninas)
Revolution is pounding at the gates! There is no money for pensions, expired food is sold in the supermarkets, free medical assistance is over, and even […]
Winds from the south
Victoria has just finished a troublesome relationship with a woman and she decides to leave Paris and return to her native Spain. She arrives in […]
Better a Diva than Dead (Mejor Diva que Muerta)
BETTER A DIVA THAN DEAD Isabella Santo Domingo Ava Cabal is a vain soap opera star of immense fame and a terrifying temperament, […]
Tales of Disoriented Adulterers (Cuentos de adúlteros desorientados)
The basis of marriage is adultery Tales of disoriented adulterers is a compilation of all his stories about adulterers; stories of infidelities told with the humor […]
My sweet bionic girl (Te quiero, muñeca)
If your relationship fails, get a doll Andres, an unsatisfied film critic and a man who is very disappointed in his relations with the opposite sex, […]
My sweet bionic boy (Te quiero, muñeco)
A woman lives unsatisfied in the field of love since it has never gone well with her boyfriends. Now, she finds herself looking for the perfect […]
Heresy of an Impious Muse (Herejía de una musa impía)
This story is about the exciting life of a muse – a regular woman in appearance. She was born in Greece centuries ago, and now she […]