Subgénero: Romance
You and me we are three (Tú y yo somos tres)
Manolita is a young woman that is exchanging letters with a stranger, Rodolfo. They are very much in love, they even marry each other in the […]
A decent adultery (Un adulterio decente)
According to a recent research, Dr. Cumberry discovers adultercocum, the bacteria responsible for infidelity. To fight it, he founds a clinic by parading the cuckolded husband, […]
A coming and going husband (Un marido de ida y vuelta)
Pepe and Leticia are married. Pepe realizes that his death is near and makes Paco Yepes, a friend of the family, to promise that he will […]
You have the eyes of a femme fatale (Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal)
Sergio is a ladies’ man that likes to collect female conquests and never falls in love. Elena is the first woman that rejects him. She is […]
The love of cats and dogs (El amor del gato y del perro)
Aurelia is an innocent young girl who looks for answers to life. She ends up in Ramiro´s house, a famous writer that looks for a meaning […]
It’s dangerous to lean out (Es peligroso asomarse al exterior)
A young woman decides to accept the promise of marriage of three suitors, since the conjunction of the three would form the perfect gentleman ideal for […]
Water, oil and gasoline (Agua, aceite y gasolina)
Mario starts to act crazy after being deceived by his former lover, Maria Leticia: they were planning on running away together, they fix a date in […]
Blanca in the outside and Rosa in the inside (Blanca por fuera y Rosa por dentro)
Blanca is a feisty woman who bases her marriage with Ramón on fighting and throwing to each other everything at hand. One day comes to their […]
Matilde, the main character of the story and a widow of a famous writer, falls in love with Benigno, a poor and illiterate man. People from […]
The Bonds of Interest (Los intereses creados)
Leandro and Crispín arrive to a prosperous small city seeking a strike of good luck to improve their lives. Given that Leandro is the youngest and […]