Subgénero: Thriller

  • Lost Days (Días perdidos)

    The teasing of a macabre clown triggers a series of murders.     The peaceful life of a small town in the north of Spain is … Read more

  • The Savage Girls Saga (Saga Las niñas salvajes)

    The gruesome murder of a nun uncovers a dark network of child trafficking.      Jimena Cruz is a journalist from Granada who works for a … Read more

  • A Guy With a Bag Over His Head (Un tío con una bolsa en la cabeza)

    A corrupt mayor close to death. The oxygen dwindles as the minutes pass.     “I would have bet any of my deaths that the one … Read more

  • Between Dreams (Entre los sueños)

    A marriage, a desolate place, and a scientific discovery interrupted by an unknown threat.         Sonia and Juan are two recently married physicists who … Read more

  • Saga Carmen Puerto

    The Anonymous Lovers | The Language of the Tides      (Los amantes anónimos | El lenguaje de las mareas)       A brilliant and unusual inspector … Read more

  • The Magda Ventura Saga (Saga Magda Ventura)

    The Coltan Conspiracy | The Conjuring of Herat | The Maltese Connection | Working title A fearless journalist who will risk her life and stop at … Read more

  • I Am Your Gaze (Soy tu mirada)

    Getting revenge for the past during the era of Tinder.       Nora Salinas is a firm and rigorous 45-year-old examining judge whose pulse does not … Read more

  • Bad Romance

    That feeling of knowing when something is so wrong, but it makes you feel so good.     Mackenzie is a teenager who wants to get … Read more

  • Restart (Reinicio) – An Original TV Series Project

    A boot camp for young misfits.       Fifteen troubled youths, aged 16 to 21, are kidnapped and taken to a camp on a remote … Read more

  • When it is Winter in the North Sea (Cuando es invierno en el mar del norte)

    A corpse on the beach. A suspect from a family settled in a former insane asylum.     Antonio Trigo's corpse appears on the beach of … Read more

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