Subgénero: Young adult
Mistletoe Allergy Book Club (Club de lectura para alérgicas al muérdago)
Your Summers and My Winters (Tus veranos y mis inviernos)
The Photographer’s Daughter (La hija del fotógrafo)
Diary of a nutcase (Diario de una chiflada)
¿Cómo sobrevivir a la adolescencia? Ada, una chica de doce años, está de luto: tras tres maravillosos meses de verano, es hora de empezar el instituto. […]
Ophelia and the glass dream (Ophelia y el sueño de cristal)
An intimate portrait about the different forms of love. Helena has an uncommon hobby: defying gravity and mastering heights. Ever since she became aware that […]
CAR Saga (Saga CAR)
I want to live out loud | And love you in stereo Sports, rivalry, love and lots of secrets. Andrés and Arturo Claramunt are […]
Thermal Sensation (Sensación térmica) (Film)
Some people fall into the trap with a smile on their faces. Lucía is a young girl who takes advantage of a literature scholarship at CUNY […]
Unmask (Sin máscara)
The honesty of a love that breaks the mold. Roberto is a sixteen-year-old boy who began his career as a violinist at the age of […]
The Third Mask (La tercera máscara)
Could you show the world your most intimate mask? A Japanese legend explains how we all have three masks: the one we show to the […]